This CD-ROM disc compilation and certain other items are Copyright, 1994, 1995, 1996 Aztech New Media Corp. Thank you for purchasing Aztech's More MacCube™. This compilation represents some of the very best shareware applications that are currently available. *********************************************************** *********************************************************** To use this disc, double-click on the "Let's Go" icon The "Let's Go!" launch buttons usually opens a ReadMe file before the application runs. Once you close the ReadMe file You can begin using the application. The Let's Go! program is a HyperCard Application. When it opens a Hyper-Card Stack use the Window's close button or menu item File/Close Stack or ⌘W to quit without closing Let's Go! *********************************************************** *********************************************************** Many of the applications on this CD-ROM run directly from the CD-ROM, although you may not be able to save applications or save reconfigure options (you can't change the contents of a CD-ROM). Some applications may need to be placed on your hard drive . Some applications want to write a configuration file or a high score file to disk. Since it is not possible to write information to a CD-ROM (Compact Disc-Read Only Memory) any changes you make to the a game's configuration will have to be done each time you play the game. To overcome this, you will have to copy the applications to your hard disk or to a floppy.